Let's talk games

I want to write about games and what makes them remarkable.

Let’s talk games

Games tickle my brain the right way. I enjoy examining them, making them, and playing them.

This year, I realized my mind spends a lot of time thinking about the world in terms of games, so I might as well follow my enthusiasm and dive in.

Why not spend my life doing what I enjoy the most?

What I’m going to write about

These are some of the questions I’m exploring:

How can games enrich your life?

How to use games to help others?

How games shape the world?

Right now, my plan is to explore games both hands-on (create games myself) and theoretically (research and write about what makes games remarkable).

I’ll bounce between philosophizing about games as building blocks of our reality and, on the other end, talk about specific games and what makes them worth our time.

Philosopher Gamer

How I’m going to share my explorations

I’ll send out a monthly email where I include links to my newest work and the best of what I’ve found in my research. Although, this might change often as I figure out what works best for me along the way.

So, an email from me might include a mixture of:

Emails about games

Why write about games

I always loved games. But, in the past, I thought games were “merely” games. I though they were unimportant, something that’s fun but ultimatelly doens’t matter and isn’t worth spending my time on beyond an occasional playing session to quelch my regular thirst for gaming.

However, over the last year, I completely changed my opinion on games. Or, I should say: I changed my opinion on what is important in life, and that changed my attitude towards games.

I won’t go deeper into why that is right now. Partly because I’m not exactly sure yet. It’s one of the things I want to understand better and put into words soon.

Life is a game!

Get my emails about games

So. If you like what you see, feel free to join me in my playful explorations:

Get my monthly emails about why games matter.